4th Infantry Division Rings designed at Fort Carson, Colorado. The 4th Infantry Division is a noted division of the United States Army. The popular nickname for the division is ( Ivy) which leads to the divisions renowned motto as we know it ” Steadfast and Loyal” another nickname is “Iron Horse”.

4th Infantry Division Rings – Ft. Carson

4th Infantry division rings
Available in Gold and Silver – Click Image for details

Fort Carson is very close to Colorado Springs. It has all the facilities you would expect to find on a U.S. Army base. You will find temporary lodgings, camping facilities at “Turkey Creek Recreation Area and exceptional retail and dining. All information can be garnered by visiting website www.carson.army.mil or telephone 719-526-5811.

4th Infantry Division –  History

In 1917 at Camp Greene North Carolina, the Infantry Division was created by Major General G.H. Cameron. The Declaration of the 1st World War in April 1917 was the reason for the organization of the 4th Infantry Division. They supported the French and the British in this epic war of the century.

Later in the century the 4th Infantry Division was activated in 1940 to assist in the 2nd World War. This reactivation was under the leadership of MG W.E. ticipated in maneuvers in Carolina and Louisiana. In 1944 the division departed from New York to take part in the war against Adolf Hitler’s, Germany.

Vietnam War – 4th Infantry Division Rings

Camp Hollowaym, Pleiku, Vietnam was the home of the division after its departure from Fort Lewis in 1966, it would remain in Vietnam for four years. After the expedition to Vietnam it returned to Fort Carson in the state of Colorado.

Vietnam was considered on of the worst areas in the world to fight a war. It was jungle warfare and certainly one that the American were trained for. Operations were conducted along the borders of Cambodia and the Central Highlands.  Custom military rings are perfect to preserve the history of involvement in any campaign.

4th infantry division rings

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